After setting up a new WordPress site, I realised that TimThumb (a popular open-source thumbnail generation script) wasn’t working and was returning a 404 error page. Let’s assume that you have TimThumb installed here: Let’s also assume that your image (that you want a thumbnail of), is located here: This means that your [...]
How To Optimise Your Website and Improve Page Loading Speeds
When you’re ready with the design and development of your website, you haven’t completed the job fully yet. Google has recently changed its algorithm to count page loading speeds as one of its ranking criteria. After all, it makes sense that visitors will want to visit websites that load quickly for them. So optimising your [...]
Why Use Magento to Create e-Commerce Websites
Two of the CMS software that are feature-rich and highly functional are Joomla and WordPress. However, if you need a specialised e-Commerce script that is full-featured and powerful, Magento might be a good option for you. About Magento Initially created in March 2001, Magento has been a huge hit amongst web developers. This is because [...]
WordPress – Free and Easy Way To Create Any Type of Website
If you’re a person who’s not technically trained, and needs to create a website by yourself, then the last thing that you want to do is to code it by yourself. Chances are, you will use some content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress to do the heavy work for you. Why? Simply because they [...]
Why Pay For Web Hosting?
Web hosting is a critical aspect of any website or online application. It makes or breaks the website because with a bad hosting provider, you can potentially have more downtimes and issues. However, this doesn’t mean that you should wantonly spend a large chunk of your budget on web hosting. Instead, you need determine your [...]
How To Choose The Right Web Hosting Plan
One of the things that most people overlook is the web hosting plan of their website. While most people would think that any host would suffice, the reality is that web hosting would be a critical part of your website. This is because a good hosting provider will ensure that your website will have minimal [...]
Simple SEO Techniques That You Can Use Immediately on Your Website To Boost Traffic
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the backbone of any good website. It can literally make or break a website. This is because one important factor that a website needs in order to be successful is search traffic and the way to get search traffic is through search engines such as Google. This is where [...]
How To Use OpenCart to Sell Digital Goods i.e. Downloads of Files
On top of physical goods, OpenCart does support digital goods as well, and these will be provided for download after the customer makes payment. Downloads can be digital goods of any type: mp3 files, video files, PDFs, and so on. After their orders have reached the “Complete” status, customers can download their products from their [...]
How To Bulk Import Posts From CSV in WordPress
If you have an existing website that you’d like to port to WordPress, a good way to import data is with the CSV Importer plugin. Just search for it through your admin panel, and you should be able to find it. It’s a pretty simple-looking tool, but will save you HOURS of your time. I’ve [...]
How To Change Multiple MySQL Tables’ Collation At Once In Bulk
Using PHPMyAdmin to change table collations is a tedious task because you have to change each table one-by-one. In order to change ALL the tables’ collations at once, you’ll need to use a PHP script to help you. The following code does the trick: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [...]